
Showing posts from 2020

Today's 'David and Goliath'- the unfair relationship that persists between consumers and banks

Should we send our child back to school?

Starting is the hardest part but also the best part

Scotland could possibly be the next Catalonia!

Redefining Workplace

Tribute to John Hume

Building a Great Culture – Part 7

Building a Great Culture – Part 6

The dilemma of asking staff to return to the office

Be Remarkable!

Teamwork makes the dream work!

The Failure of Negotiations - Part 2

Diversity in the workplace

The Failure of Negotiations - Part 1

Tribute to John Lewis

Tribute to John Lewis

Shaving a Yak - To do or not to do?

How failing forward to succeed works | Xavier shares his insights into

The Evolving Legal Market – Xavier Rodriguez Purcet

Understanding Clients